Every week I’ll suggest a new, healthy food. Your job is to try it at least once during the week.
I may suggest a food you’ve never heard of before or one you haven’t eaten in a while. I may even suggest a food you think you don’t like. Make a point to try it anyway. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll like it this time.
Food of the Week Oct 27, 2014: Oranges
I picked oranges this week to be the food of the week because they look like little pumpkins and Halloween is coming up this Friday!
Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C and an very good source of fiber.
You can carve oranges to look like mini pumpkins or enjoy eating oranges in a variety of ways. Eat at least 1 orange this week!
- Combine chopped oranges, tomato, cilantro, green onion, walnuts, and lime for a great salsa
- Blend a peeled orange into vanilla protein shake to make a “creamsicle” (freeze in Dixie cups to make popsicles)
- Brush peeled and sliced oranges with olive oil, cilantro, and lime juice, then grill and serve atop baked chicken
- Toss roasted beets with orange slices and serve as side dish with chicken or seafood
- Or of course, simply peel an orange and enjoy on its own!