Da Vinci Surgery
Tucson Bariatric’s surgical practice also includes the da Vinci Surgery System. It utilizes a modern marvel in surgical robotics that carries great advantages for patients that are interested in minimally invasive methods. Tucson Bariatric is one of the few surgical centers in Arizona to offer robotic general and bariatric surgery. We have performed the most robotic sleeve gastrectomies and was the first surgeon to perform the gastric bypass totally robotically in Arizona.
The da Vinci Surgical system allows the physician to perform surgery with better visualization, dexterity, precision and control than with other surgical methods. Robotic surgery allows the surgeon to perform procedures through small incisions, it can reduce recovery time and provide fewer post operation complications.
How Does it Work?
The surgeon sits within a high tech console right next to the patient. The da Vinci system translates the physician’s hand movements into corresponding micro-movements of the robotic instruments within the patients body. Although it is often called a ‘robot’, the da Vinci system does not act on it’s own and cannot move on it’s own and is only making movements directly by what the surgeon is doing in the same room.
With the da Vinci Surgical System, the surgeon operates through just a few small incisions. Working through these small incisions, wristed tools on the robot itself can bend and rotate far greater than the human wrist providing more precision.
Additionally, it features a magnified 3D high definition vision system enabling the surgeon to see far more than would be possible using traditional methods. This enhanced vision provides complete detail within the body of the patient allowing for better judgements based on better knowledge and control.
Is It Right for You?
We believe the short answer is yes. With over 1.5 million procedures using the da Vinci system to date, it is making sweeping changes to people around the world. You can take advantage and benefit from these breakthroughs in modern medicine and technology today. Talk to Dr. Monash about this new technique and how it can affect you at your next appointment for more details.